Due to the move to a new course platform there is a bit of chaos here at the moment! First of all, it is not possible to buy the usual online courses or trainings as these are being revised and will then be available on the new site. Of course, the previously...
Ready for EO and AWC tryouts 2023!
I'm very happy that all my active dogs have the necessary qualification results for the selection for the European Open and the World Championship! Cinna and Pashion in the size category Large, Peak in Intermediate and Nuii in Small 😅🤗 It will be exhausting -...
The Online Training 05/2021 goes into the second round!
Some of them could not take part in the online training at the beginning of May, which is why I am opening this training again for a few working spots in June! In addition, all participants (whether auditor, live or working) receive a discount voucher of 20% for an...
Annual planning 2021
For a better overview and planning for you, I have created a small calendar so you can see the start dates for online courses / trainings where you can book a working spot. You can already register for the respective class or training now, but note that I will only...